April 15, 2009


Found this on seacoastonline, while doing my usual search for U2. It's interesting to me how much of a role U2 plays in religious services. I've been to one here in Detroit, that was set up with three visual screens and presented like ZooTV. Needless to say, I am always interested when I see things like this posted online. Although this post talks about the memory of the church's pastor, who had apparently passed away.

For more info on U2charist, here's their blogspot page.

U2charist on April 26 is a farewell to Rev. Paige Blair

YORK HARBOR — In response to the movement to Make Poverty History, and as part of the farewell activities planned to say goodbye to its rector, the Rev. Paige Blair, St. George's Episcopal Church will celebrate a special U2charist at 5 p.m. Sunday, April 26, at 407 York St. The U2charist will feature music from U2's catalog.

The Rev. Paige Blair is laregly responsible for the U2charist's current incarnation.

"It has been amazing what we have done as priest and congregation in the 8½ years we've served together — and what we've done in partnership with other churches around the country and around the world through the U2charist has been both amazing and humbling.

"And so important. This is the first time in human history that we have the opportunity, and therefore the obligation, to make extreme poverty history," she said.

Thirty thousand children die every day due to extreme poverty, and 8,000 people die of HIV/AIDS. That is the equivalent of ten September 11ths a day, or a 2004 tsunami every week. We as people of faith are called by our Creator to embrace this call to do what we can to make poverty history. As Bono has said, this is our generation's 'moon shot.'"

Every nation in the world has endorsed the Millennium Development Goals to eradicate extreme poverty and global AIDS, and many churches, including the Episcopal Church, have endorsed them as well.

The offering from the service will benefit AIDS Response Seacoast and other MDG efforts.

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