Click here to read the article on its original site, or read below:
God’s Phone Number
After discussing rock band U2’s rather stirring interpretation of Psalm 40 last week, we asked this question:
What secret Bible message did U2 include on the cover of their album All That You Can’t Leave Behind (and what does it mean)?
Here’s the answer: On that album cover, the band was photographed standing in the Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris. Above the band in the photograph is a departure gate sign. It originally read “F21-36.” At the last minute, U2’s lead singer Bono had the album artist airbrush it to read “J33-3.”
Why? “It was done like a piece of graffiti,” said Bono. “It’s known as God’s telephone number.” J33-3 refers to Jeremiah 33:3, which reads: “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
------I found both album covers online. Take a look below:

Ah yes... one of my favourite U2 "insideisms"—things only the fands tend to know. :)